
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My sport event

Birds chipped and children yelled as the Monday  afternoon arrived. “Hey rom15, get a band and pair up we are going outside to do some fun things.” said Mr.marks as he weirdly walk off into the dissents. Slowly, and carefully we walked towards the junior  courts.

                  A challenging sports event was set up. We had to run up and down the may sound easy but here’s what you don’t realised. We have to run like we have amputated limbs, just like the paralympics athletes.


  1. Hi laita you got a really great story. But please Check your capital letters. Keep it up.

  2. Hey Laita

    Your writing is so good. On the beginning there is a mistake on the Hey room 15 part. Your writing is a amazing piece of work. Hope you post another great work.

    See ya

  3. Hi Laita
    I really love your paralympics game it's the best blog I have seen so far

  4. Hi Laita I loved reading your sporty story. I have spotted a mistake but it's okay because everyone makes mistakes. Between Mr Marks you put a full stop. Besides that you have write a great piece of writing. Keep up the effort!


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