
Monday, April 15, 2013

My term 1 reflection 2013


Kia Orana, my name is Rosalie, I am 11 years old of age, and just recently got baptised. At the moment I am attending and learning about things at Pt.England school. It is a fantastic school. Right now, we are in our last week of fun, and independence.

In my class it’s quiet and the sound of peace bounces of the lights, be quite honest it is nothing like that. It is an annoying place for me!!! Because of THE SMELLY BOYS. They would tease me, during class times and every day of the term. So most times, I would have been angry and upset but there were some good times during the term, like..
PE, class challenges mostly. How we panicked, if we weren't going to win. The faces we pulled, it was hilarious. Most times, I would fall down and laugh really loud. I even got a warning once, to be quiet.
Great times, but still class wasn’t a good place, not because of the boys, but because there are some memories of me not being quite organised enough. Which is true.  Some times, I forget my things at home, and so I would be a bit disorganised, but at least I got the work done.
But once I get home, and read the work, I have created. I finally realise that I could have made my work a little bit better, like in  my writing,  showing not telling the story so I edit it and trying to improve.

 I also..
...share my work with my group and try and make everyone co-operate with each other. With our heads down, trying our best, we know we can get our tasks done. But not always quite on time...or on the date that it’s suppose to be in. 

I also think about how well I have worked and with others, and how well we co-operate with each other and stay focused...and to be quite honest, I think we muck around. It’s not until, we receive a warning from the teacher that we work hard. So my goal for next term is to choose the people I work with wisely.

So that’s my experience at Pt.England school. How much fun I had, and also how much pain I’v been during the term. But there are some things I want to improve in, like, my subjects. I want to be at or at least above my age at every subject. So I will be able to attend at Selwyn college... -.-

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The school triathlon

Triathlon was a great  experience for my friends and classmates, but not for me. The slippery slide was ready,  the bikes were lined up and ready, and the track was set up. Who could ask for more? I know I wasn't, but it's just that, my experience wasn't that great. I remember.. 

 My heart pounding as I ran around the flags. “Come on you can do it, Laita!” cheered the boys on the side line. Slower and slower, I started to run, and faster and faster my classmate Makarita ran closer to me.

“Sharks” I yelled, as I panicked  ‘Come on, Come on, Come on, I can do it’ I repeated in my head hoping I would reach the finish line, in first place. Makarita run towards me like nothing, and was finally behind me. I took bigger steps, to try and be in the lead, but that didn't work.

Our classmates on the sideline cheered, “Go Rita!”. That made me even more nervous. Dashing among the finished line, I waved my hands in triumph. Waiting for the results from the guy that kept our places,  he said “ Well done, you came first twice”.

Our D.L.O

This is a video Me, and Raeleen have created. Well it's really called a D.L.O. This is our first time creating one, so please leave us some feedback on how well we did.....=D...